Professor Abdullahi A. Abba



It is with great joy and a sense of pride we welcome every one of our students both old and new back to a new academic session.  We are excited to see you achieve your dreams and fulfil your purpose. We are more than ready to provide a secure learning community to foster your educational pursuit. I am confident all of us will benefit tremendously in the end.

KASU Medical students are known locally and internationally for their hard work fulfilling the vision and mission of the University. Moreover, both the body of External Examiners and the Observers from the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria adjudged their knowledge and clinical competence as excellent. The College has proudly become a focal point that the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria turns to for the rescue of students from other Universities within the country with challenges with accreditation and from war-torn zones, arising from which, currently, the College has absorbed medical students from Kogi State University, Sudan and Ukraine at various levels.

Wishing you an amazing time at the College of Medicine, Kaduna State University.

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